DECREASE OF INTEREST IN STUDIES - essay writing help in UK

It is seen that the intelligence of students have reduced with time and the increase in more students looking for essay writing help in UK is evident to this. Earlier students used to be very bright and interested in studies, but now the interest of the students has decreased significantly. Students struggle in studies, they aren’t as bright as they used to be, and they face various kind of problems in studies which wasn’t there in the past.

However, research suggests that there are a number of reasons which has led to a decrease of interest of students in studies. Some of these reasons are mentioned below.

Lack of interest from the teachers

Earlier teachers used to be very interested in teaching the students and their interest was high. They used to pay more attention to their students and help them improve in studies. However, this has changed recently. Teachers now are more interested in earning money and fulfilling their working hours. These teachers aren’t very much concerned about students learning the work and having the actual concepts. As a result, students suffer greatly. These students do not have a great education and focus from their teachers, and so they don’t perform well. Their performance is highly affected due to the neglected attention they get from the teachers.

As a result, these students aren’t very bright. They lack understanding. They do not have strong concepts because their teachers haven’t taught them accordingly. The lack of knowledge and support from the teachers have greatly affected the outcome of the students.

Changed environment and more distractions

Nowadays, the number of distractions have increased. Earlier students used to find more time studying and focusing on work but now that’s not the thing. Students are involved in other activities like games, entertainment and movies, and these are affecting them. As students are more interested into these things, they don’t pay enough attention on the studies, and therefore they are not very bright. Earlier students didn’t have a lot to do, and they would spend time studying most of the time. However, now this has changed, and people are involved in various other activities rather than studies, and so they are not studying well enough.

Due to the more activities now students have taken up, their attitude has greatly been affected, and their interest in studies have gone down. This has highly affected their intelligence and focus in studies leading to poorer results.

The need to work- more financial responsibility

Earlier, parents used to support the students for studies and the expenses. These kids do not have to work as parents used to support them financially. However, now they have more financial responsibility. Parents do not take up their expenses, and as a result, they are forced to take the expenses on their own. In order to do this, they have to take up jobs. These jobs consume a large part of their time and energy and leave theme exhausted with less time to focus on studies.

This is the reason students aren’t able to pay attention to the studies, and their outcome has reduced as a result.

Less attention from parents

Earlier parents used to be home most of the time. In the majority of the cases, it was one parent who used to work from the two. The other parent helped the students study and helped them developed skills. But now things have changed, and both parents are working in the majority of the cases. Due to this, the students are being affected as they don’t get enough attention from their parents. Parents do not help them in studies, too as they did earlier. Due to these situations, students are suffering.

More usage of internet

With the dawn of technology, the practice of internet has increased seriously, and it has become easier for people to access the internet. The access of the internet has become cheaper also over the years. In the earlier days, the internet was quite expensive, and kids couldn’t access it. Now internet usage has amplified a lot, and more stuff is available over the internet, which wasn’t in the past. Due to this, the students now spend more time using the internet rather than studying, and this has greatly affected their curiosity in the studies.

It can be seen that students aren’t very interested in the studies as they were in the past and this is affecting their output hugely. It is necessary that students pay enough attention to their studies. It is important for the students to divide their time sensibly and do not waste time doing activities which wouldn’t bring them any benefit. These things have become prominent reasons for students not being interested enough in studies. Students lack their interest from time to time. With time, the interest is decreasing, which wasn’t the case in the past.

It is important that we improve in this sense. We need children to support our society in the past. In order to have a balanced society, we need individuals who are experts in various subjects and topics. These people, later on, need to work in society and support it.

When the students are brighter, we can expect them to contribute the society in a better manner. Therefore, it is our responsibility to support them in this regard and play our part to help them improve. If we can help the students improve and learn more with time, we can assure that our society improves. Students need to be intelligent, who can grasp useful concepts quickly. This would help them take up any role that would be coming their way. By doing this, they would be able to secure new jobs too. People taking up new jobs is very helpful for our society, and therefore we need to have such individuals. In order to make this happen, we need to teach and train them in a way that would help them take more responsibility and improve with new skills. 

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