Self-care tips for when you feel defeated

Self-care tips for when you feel defeated

As a student, at certain times, you will feel lost and defeated. You might not understand your purpose in life, which will make you feel low, and then until slowly and slowly it will all start to go downhill from there. In these times, students find it challenging to concentrate, so they often hand over their assignments to the professional essay writers UK to complete while they dwell in their failures and mistakes. While all this sounds like something that won’t happen to you, it is a familiar feeling which almost every other student goes through at least once in their life. It is one of the biggest reasons why suicide is so common amongst college and university students, simply because they find it to be the easiest way out from the mess that is this world. And because their feelings go unchecked, they are made to make decisions that end up hurting them and their loved ones in the long run.

But what is the cause of that? How to prevent it from happening again? Defeat and setbacks are a part of life, and it is not suitable for a person’s mental health to go through all these negative thoughts. But to avoid feeling helpless, here is what you can do.

How to prevent the feeling of helplessness:

While it is easier to get swallowed up in the past and reminding yourself of your mistakes and shortcomings after every failure, it can be prevented. One of the main reasons why depression and anxiety are common amongst students is because they do not have anyone to talk to. They bottle up their feeling s and feel ashamed to talk to their friends and family about stuff like this. If they get a bad grade, they will tend to hide it from others, so they do not have to confront the reality, which is that they failed. And in the current economy, hundreds of students feel useless because they know no matter how hard many of them work, they will never be able to afford a lifestyle their parents had. And that is a rather dark thought for a young person to carry around. 

Not only this, but the educational system puts a lot of pressure on young kids and doesn’t consider their physical or mental health. Students are assigned with piles and piles of work, which they barely get completed by giving up on their sleep and skipping meals. All these factors come into play, which is why students generally feel lost and helpless. To prevent it from happening, make sure to surround yourself with people who will listen to you and motivate you. Telling others about your problems will make you feel better, and you need to try it to see the difference. Discussing your problems with others will help prevent the birth of negative thoughts in your mind. But if you still suffer from a feeling of helplessness, keep on reading to see how to overcome them.

Three things to do when you feel defeated:

  • Remind yourself of your achievements:

Whenever you feel yourself getting low, be it after failing a test or after a bad day at work, take a seat back and relax. Remind yourself forcefully if you have to, about all your previous wins and achievements. It will not be easy to do if you are in a lousy headspace, but it will play a massive role in making you feel better. You see, when we do something wrong, we beat ourselves for it. But every time we do things right, we never appreciate ourselves. And that becomes a reason why we end up doubting ourselves even if we are going in the right direction. Every person has done something that they are proud of. And in times of vulnerability, those achievements are the only things that will help you get through in life by giving you a positive image of yourself. 

  • Make a Change:

The only thing which you need to tell yourself is that you need to make a change. The truth is, if you do not like your present situation, you need to work on yourself and make a change. Things often do not take the turn we want or go the way we want them to be, so the only way we can change our situation is by looking at the problems. Start by identifying where the problems lie. Once you mark all those issues that make you feel defeated, try coming up with solutions to help you. For example, if you frequently find yourself struggling to get the grades you want despite how hard you try, change your study methods. Change up what you considered to be expected and see things falling into place.

  • Quit Complaining:

The easiest thing to do when something wrong happens is to complain. As humans, we find complaining to be the easiest way out because it makes us feel in control. We thin just because we can pin the blame on external sources. We will get away with failing. Students often blame their teachers for giving them a bad grade, but rarely do they look at themselves to see what they did writing. It is why if you ever find yourself complaining after something inconvenient happens, stop yourself right there. Make the right choice by giving yourself credit where it is due and also by reminding yourself of your mistakes if you make them. It will not make you feel better then, but it will be easier to work on them later on.

These are the easiest ways you can overcome the feeling of defeat.  You don’t have to sit and mull over all the bad things that happened to you when you can do something about it. If you notice things unraveling and getting out of control, talk to your friends and family. And if they do not care and do not listen to you or take you seriously, do not get discouraged but go and seek therapy. Not every student’s case is that severe that they need to go and seek help. Learn to nip it in the start by reminding yourself of all the good you have in you, and you will instantly feel like a million bucks. Try these and see yourself changing for the better.

Self-Care Tips for rainy days

Students are entirely occupied in their lives, be it because they have to go to a school, college or university. From assignments to quizzes and tests, every student has a fair share of work to do before they can relax. And once they move on to college, which little time they had to themselves, no longer exists due to jobs or internships. To combat with that, they do take the help of others and manage to make time for themselves. Which they then spend by catching up on sleep or by watching their favourite movies or series on the television. It is useful as taking care of yourself will only help your brain relax, thus making you perform better in class. Students who do not have time for themselves fall behind and are agitated continuously because their mind does not get the rest it deserves and needs to function correctly. But because not a lot of people know about this, we will be dwelling into this topic to make it easier for every busy individual to practice self-care. But first, we need to understand its importance. 

The importance of self-care for students:

Because of our hectic and demanding educational system, the students are pushed from day one to give their best to come out ahead. They are assigned homework that is way more than their capacity and are bombarded with constant quizzes and tests, which leaves them little to no time with anything else. Not just that, but going through one book isn’t enough either. Reference books and lectures and slides are all part of the syllabus now, and it is all mandatory to get straight A’s. When a student has this much pressure exerted on them, their mind starts working twice as hard and fast as it did before. With all this pressure on them, the brain and body eventually burn out, making the person lethargic and sluggish.

With self-care, a student can easily give their brain and body the pampering that they need. Consider it a reward for working hard. From going out to get a massage or a manicure or staying in and watching your favourite movie, all of this gives your body a time-out helping it rejuvenate and perform better. The list below summarises the best and easy ways to practice self-care:

Easy ways to practice self-care for students:

  • Sleep well:

All students have a thing in common. They rarely sleep enough. With all the work that is assigned to them, they do not find it possible to get it all completed on time and then go to bed early enough to sleep for 7 to 8 hours. Lack of sleep has a lot of cons like weight gain, loss of focus and sluggishness. All of these things then hinders the ability to perform well, making the student fall behind in class. To take care of yourself and be energised, go to bed early, even if your work hasn’t all been completed. No, we are not giving you a recipe for failure, but hear us out. When you to go to bed early, you can wake up early. Complete all your work in the morning; it is easier to do since the mind is fresh at that time, and there are no distractions either. A well-rested brain is more efficient and focused too, making it possible to get more done in less time.

  • Meditate or exercise:

Any form of exercise will help burn all that negative energy that is inside you and will help you regain focus. As the oxygen level increases in your bloodstream, your mind will relax, making it easier for you to unwind. Exercise and meditation not only clear up our mind, but it also helps us think straight. It is why a lot of people who made it big in life often had their amazing ideas while at the gym. Meditate early in the morning and see how relaxed your mind feels throughout the day no matter how tough things get. Try it specifically in times of exams, and you will feel lighter and much better.

  • Take short breaks:

When studying or when doing your chores, do not just keep going at it until you are all done. Do things in bursts. Focus your attention on the subject that you are studying for 20 minutes and then take a short break for 5 to 7 minutes. In those few minutes, get up and walk a few steps, or stretch or drink some water. It will help your brain and body both to relax for a bit and once you go back to work, you will feel yourself working better. These short breaks help the body and brain to re-align and re-focus, which is vital for students since their work never ends.

  • Eat a nutritious meal:

While students often do skimp out on healthy food, they end up paying for it when their body feels sluggish. To save time, students often order in or rely on ready to eat meals. These meals, although they are convenient but lack the nutritional value that is required by every adult. Start shopping from the bulk section or get seasonal fruits and vegetables. Incorporate more fresh produce in your diet, and you will see a noticeable difference in your energy levels. Do not drink coffee and energy drinks, and reduce your sugar intake. It will prevent your body from relying on these external factors for energy and will make you feel more active and charged.

  • Hang out with friends:

When you get busy, you often cancel on your friends and are unable to meet or see them for ages. No matter how occupied you get, always meet your friends or talk to them at least once a week. It will divert your mind from all your coursework and will make you feel better about yourself. Hanging out with friends will help you discuss your problems with others, and your friends might even come up with a solution. Talking to others always help. Try it for yourself and see how relaxed you feel.

If you up till now always thought that self0care included putting on a face mask and lying down, then you couldn’t have been more wrong. Every individual has a different way of taking care of themselves. Try these tips and see how much better you feel.

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